Colorado Mineral Society Patch

American Federation of
Mineralogical Societies

Rocky Mountain Federation of Mineralogical Societies

CMS Members Jeff Self and Donna Ware featured on Colorado Public Radio's “Colorado Matters”

CMS members Jeff Self and Donna Ware were featured in an interview on the “Colorado Matters” program on Colorado Public Radio. The recorded interview with Ryan Warner can be listened to online via the CPR website at the link below, along with a story and photos about them.

Click Here for Interview

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A Visitor’s Guide to
Colorado Gemstones

On International Gem Society's
Website mentions the
Colorado Mineral Society

Click here to read

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Update: Please do not attend field trips, meetings or events if you are feelng ill or were exposed to someone who tested positive within 14 days of the trip. We will observe physical distancing on all CMS sanctioned events or trips.

Welcome to the Colorado Mineral Society

Celebrating our 89th Year!
1936 - 2025

Colorado Mineral Society
February 2025 General Meeting and Presentation
Friday, March 7th, 2025 at 7:00 pm
At St. Paul's Episcopal Church
9200 W 10th Ave, Lakewood, CO 80215
(10th and Garrison) Click here for map
Visitors and kids are welcome

CMS March 2025 Presentation

Phil Persson will be presenting "A look at the Remarkable Collection of the mim Museum, Beirut, Lebanon"

There will be a raffle of 6 nice specimens at 8:30pm with $1 tickets (cash only) that benefit the CMS education program.  We will also have a rock sale starting at 7:00pm with donated specimens (cash, check, or credit card accepted). Visitors and guests are welcome to attend the CMS meetings and presentations.   

“A Look at the Remarkable Collection of the mim Museum, Beirut, Lebanon”

Philip M. Persson

The mim (the name is inspired by the 24th letter of the Arabic alphabet, pronounced “mim”, which is also the first letter of the worlds “museum”, “mineral”, and “mines” in both Arabic and English) is a public mineral museum located in Beirut, Lebanon. It is the brainchild of Salim Eddé, a Lebanese entrepreneur, collector and scientist. The museum, located on the campus of Saint Joseph University in downtown Beirut, opened in October of 2013.

The museum currently contains approximately 2500 specimens and is organized both systematically and aesthetically to stimulate excitement about minerals and the natural world in the public of Lebanon and beyond. The focus of the mim collection is both on world-class examples of aesthetic minerals, as well as high-quality systematic specimens representing rare and unusual minerals, ideally in macroscopic, high-quality crystals. The museum attracts nearly 40,000 visitors a year and is currently the #1 ranked activity in Beirut on the TripAdvisor website. This presentation will introduce the audience to this remarkable museum, certainly one of the most important in the mineral world, and its world-class collection.

Philip M. Persson
Philip M. Persson
mim Museum Beirut Lebanon

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please go to the
New Membership and Fieldtrip Signup Page below
and create your account online

Click here for the user guide. ~ * ~ Click here for the Introduction to the new site.

You must be a member to attend any fieldtrips and you can join or renew at the link above.


Amber, CMS President

2023 Filed Trip List

*Updated 5/3/2024


Entire site contents © 2025 Colorado Mineral Society, a Colorado non-profit, educational organization